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10 Profitable Business Ideas for Retirees in Nigeria

profitable business ideas for retirees

Some people dream of a day when they can’t do anything for themselves anymore. For them, retirement is a wonderful future where they can sleep, lie in the sun and think as little as possible for the next 30 years or more. Yet, others that are smart dream of business ideas for retirement. Therefore, in this article, I shall be discussing some of the most profitable business ideas for retirees you can start in Nigeria right away.

The truth is that for most of us, a life of zero work and zero thought will drive us crazy! Of course, it’s good to rest for a few days, but then it’s time to work on some problems, learn from them, and grow and move on from them!

Following our passions and circumstances Future goals can be good for a person; for his mind, body and soul. If you find yourself agreeing with this statement, the next question is: “Have you ever considered starting a business in retirement?”

Business ideas retirees don’t have to be a blockbuster event for people in their 50s. It doesn’t have to be big. It doesn’t need to be impressive. It’s just supposed to fill the void that’s been building inside you for years – yes, even when you’re working what’s supposed to be a full-time job. . It will work!

Financial success after age 50 is more common than you think. Did you know that most global entrepreneurs are in the 55-64 age group? Yes! (Your retirement startup idea will be more successful than your younger employees and their ventures.)

You still have potentials to start a business after retirement, therefore, prepare to retire early enough. Don’t  miss reading: 8 Small Business Ideas for beginners in 2024

Here are the key takeaways for starting a business after retirement, the points discussed in this article may push you to retire early. Or if you’re already retired, make your money last longer.

Think about it. Making a little extra money means doing something you love and supporting your financial health in the short and long term.

This article is written so you can easily understand the impact of starting a business in retirement. If you want to build retirement with purpose (instead of being an old person like some of your friends) then I suggest you consider these small business ideas for retirees:

1. Buying and Selling

First on my list of profitable business ideas for retirees you can start in Nigeria is buying and selling. Can you find an item at a lower price than the market price?

Maybe you find these out in the open, maybe you grab them off the internet, or you’re just interested in perusing the garage/estate sale and finding your deal on junk! You buy and sell to make money.

The middleman (usually Amazon, Facebook, Craigslist or eBay) sells them. See the link below. This option is real. Maybe it’s the quality of the brush, maybe it’s the satisfaction and satisfaction in the job. But it’s a lot of fun to do… and you can make a lot of money!

2. Home Repairs, House Painting and Gardening

Gardening concept and retirement business. All you need is a lawn mower and a way to move it from one place to another. Call some neighbors, hang a few flyers on people’s doors with your good starting price, and wait for some leads to come in.

Turf will be saved, and you’ll start getting referrals as your clients talk to their friends about your good work (offer a referral discount and they’ll be more likely to spread the word, too). People working essential jobs.

They like to talk about the work they do (and who they do it for – sometimes local celebrities), which allows them to pretend to be retired without paying a pension.

3. Become a Consultant or Online Coach

A Consultant is someone who obtains more business through relationships with various businesses. Companies hire consultants for one purpose: to get an objective, outsider’s perspective on a process or system.

This is one of the most popular options because it allows you to work with clients who have similar interests and goals. You’ll be able to use your knowledge and experience to help them achieve their goals while making money at the same time.

Consultants often work part-time or full-time; this means you can easily set your own schedule and work whenever you want without having to worry about paying rent or other costs that come with ownership.

So use your last year of retirement to teach others in your business, and get paid generously for something as simple as consulting work at the company. If you have special skills or training in a particular job, why not use it to earn extra income?

Becoming a consultant is a great way to earn money while enjoying the opportunity to work independently and on your own time. Very little and very important).

4. Pet Store

Number 4 on my list of profitable business ideas for retirees you can start in Nigeria selling of animals. Opening a small pet store requires hard work and careful planning. It’s easier to run a pet business because you don’t have to work and you have more time to take care of them.

5. Investing in Franchise

You can invest your money in a franchise that has its own operational and marketing plan; this means they will do most of the heavy lifting when it comes to business management. Trust me, investing in franchise is another very profitable business ideas for retirees you can start in Nigeria.

6. Independent Contractor

Nowadays everyone wants to buy laundry from Amazon instead of going to the store. If you’re good at selling things online and have unique items, consider becoming an independent contractor for Amazon or other sellers. There will be six handmade works by local artists.

7. Etsy Shop

Setting up an Etsy shop is another profitable business ideas for retirees you can start in Nigeria that is on my list. Etsy is an online marketplace that allows artists to sell handmade items like jewelry or clothing directly to customers using their laptops and no inventory required.

8. Freelance Writing

Writing is one of the best ways to make money at home, and it is fun too! You can follow your own schedule and do it at any time of the day or night that suits you.

9. Affiliate Marketing

All you have to do is promote other people’s products on your website or blog. This is a great way to earn passive income while enjoying your retirement! Most people use two wheels as their main means of transportation and they need someone to keep the wheels turning! All it takes is a few keys and some basic knowledge. This job also includes helping customers complete tasks such as secure chat.

10. Renting of Valuable Items

Renting business is the last on my list of profitable business ideas for retirees you can start in Nigeria. It is certainly a source of additional income. If you’ve kept a few tools over the years, consider adding them to. Experience or other news that interests you as a retiree. You’ve gained a lot of experience, now it’s time to use this knowledge to help others reach higher levels in their work and personal lives.

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